Develop an understanding of business analytics, diagnose problems, and envision solutions from an evidence-based perspective.

Undergraduate Programs
Graduate Programs

Master of Business Administration with Business Analytics

Master of Business Administration with Business Analytics


The STEM-designated Master of Business Administration with Business Analytics program requires students to complete the graduation requirements for both the Master of Business Administration degree and the Graduate Certificate in Business Analytics. Students will immerse themselves in cutting-edge quantitative methods and analytical tools, statistics, data mining, and data-driven decision-making.

The full-time program begins in August and is designed as a cohort experience to be completed in 21 months with time for a summer internship and includes an intensive integrated learning capstone experience. The part-time program allows for a Fall start either on-campus or hybrid, and for a Spring start online or hybrid with completion in 3-4 years.

Master of Science with Business Analytics

Master of Science with Business Analytics


Achieve your career goals with a STEM-designated specialized degree in a rapidly growing field of business. Tailor your degree by focusing on one of five different concentrations: Accounting, Finance, Management, Marketing Science, and Supply Chain Management, while gaining cutting-edge quantitative methods and analytical tools, statistics, data mining, and data-driven decision-making.