This program aims to provide students with the business and accounting knowledge necessary for them to succeed as professional accountants.
Provides students with the business and accounting knowledge necessary for them to succeed as professional accountants.
Prepare for advanced study in mathematical or quantitative finance and business administration, and careers in banking and insurance.
Students in any major can enhance their program of study and complement their department major with African Studies.
Understand the complexities, struggles, and successes of people of African descent that exist throughout the world.
Study international competencies in relation to themes of race, gender, class, equity, and inclusion throughout the Americas.
Among other benefits, this certificate provides a high degree of proficiency in ASL.
This program explores the basic sub-fields of anthropology: archaeology, physical, cultural, and anthropological linguistics.
This program will provide you an opportunity to learn about the theories and practical applications of applied behavior analysis.
Develop the computational and data skills necessary to support the increasingly data-oriented nature of many careers.
This program builds the skills you’ll need to address the diverse needs of children, youth, and families across multiple settings.
This program allows for students to prepare for a career in teaching, research, business, finance, economics, programming and many others.
This program allows for students to prepare for a career in statistics, data sciences or a related field.
Prepare for jobs in government, teaching Arabic, business, translating/interpreting, immigration, and travel/tourism.
This program positions students to apply to graduate programs in architecture or historic preservation, as well as careers in those areas.
The pre-professional major combines coursework in architecture history and theory, building science, design studios and digital media.
Students in any major can explore a scholarly interest in Asian Studies and develop language proficiency.
This certificate provides a focused area of study for students interested in careers providing technology to individuals with disabilities.
This program prepares students for careers in areas of law, business and government administration, technical writing and science education.
Take what you learn in the classroom and apply it in a variety of clinical settings to become a certified athletic trainer.
Learn key skills including the prevention, assessment and treatment of auditory and balance disorders across the lifespan.
This program prepares students for an applied public health career.
This certificate is designed to teach students to effectively handle large amounts of disparate data.
Gain knowledge of the technical and social principles of bioengineering as well as a focused track area within bioengineering.
Designed for clinicians, lawyers and students, this program emphasizes the philosophical foundation of bioethics.
Good for careers in scientific journalism, pharmaceutical supply industries, biological/medical research, and scientific libraries/museums.
This program offers training for students who want to conduct innovative research at the intersection of biomedicine and computing.
This program uses an individualized approach to enable students interested in health and biomedical sciences to become lifelong learners.
This program is an academic degree program for students with a background in calculus and a strong interest in public health.
Students will further their business skills while integrating new and emerging knowledge.
Immerse yourself in quantitative methods and analytical tools, statistics, data mining, and data-driven decision-making.
Develop an understanding of business analytics, diagnose problems, and envision solutions from an evidence-based perspective.
Learn how IT interacts with business strategies, organizations and customers.
The program combines basic and clinical research faculty who are dedicated to the training of students.
The program combines basic science and clinical research to explore questions related to biology.
Leads to careers in food, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, petroleum, medical, materials, electronics and other fields.
This program prepares students for a career in business or industry or for advanced study in chemistry.
Students often pursue careers in education, information science, childcare and social work, as well as a range of advanced degrees.
This program is designed to prepare graduates from the MSW program to provide services to vulnerable children and families.
This program combines the best of Chinese studies, ancient and modern, with expert training in speaking, reading, and writing the language.
Experience rigorous evidence-based education and a longitudinal clinical experience within an inter-professional academic environment in the field
A new collaboration between the University of Pittsburgh and Covestro LLC takes aim at decreasing global waste and its impact on the environment
This program aims to produce highly qualified civil engineers and achieve scholarly excellence through research.
This program trains professional scholars and teachers specializing in the languages, literature, history, philosophy, and archaeology of the
Train to re-engineer the ways in which basic scientific discoveries are translated to improved health and health care.
This program is focused on training students to prepare for clinical and research careers related to exercise and physical activity.
Become a clinician promoting rehabilitation and recovery.
This program provides the skills essential to design and conduct high-quality clinical and translational research.
This program is designed for students interested in becoming teachers in early elementary (Grades PreK-4) and/or special education (Grades PreK-12
Develop your communication skills, improve your writing and gain an understanding of how mass media affects society.
Acquire a foundation in speech and hearing sciences to prepare for graduate-level academic work and clinical training.
Become a scientific leader in research, teaching and service via individualized, interdisciplinary training.
Learn to examine the world, communicate and persuade others.
Examines how social, economic and environmental factors impact a community’s well-being.
Gain the advanced knowledge and skills required for contemporary macro social work practice.
Learn to conduct population-based research.
This graduate certificate recognizes sustained, advanced study in composition, literacy, and pedagogy.
Students combine studies in biology and computer science in order to approach biological questions computationally.
Learn to translate computational technologies to biomedicine and biotechnology.
Aims to increase the potential to address research challenges through computational modeling.
This program provides the fundamentals of mathematics and the physical sciences, with a strong emphasis on analysis and design.
This program introduces students to a scientific and practical approach to computation and its applications.
Great for pre-health care students and any student interested in social and philosophical problems in biomedical sciences.
This certificate program allows students to develop their complex construction project and managerial know-how.
Learn to communicate strategically and effectively with internal and external audiences.
Study U.S legal compliance requirements as international trade and globalization continues to grow.
This program provides a selective, rigorous and forward-thinking investigation of the various languages, literatures and cultures of Europe.
Explore equitable design, digital literacies and agency, and critical thinking in applications of technology and digital media for learning.
This program fosters the intensive study of cultural formations, past and present, from around the world.
This program provides advanced training in instructional methods that will allow you to keep pace with the changing educational landscape.
Broaden your engineering background by considering cybersecurity aspects in engineering systems.
Provides students with the skills to develop cybersecurity policies and strengthen cybersecurity ecosystems.
Micro-credentials offer immediate value to current employers and demonstrate mastery of programming skills to potential future employers.
Gain critical skill sets that span key areas of statistics, computing, and mathematics to participate in the evolving data revolution.
Advance your dental education with programs that provide additional education and training in the dental specialties.
This program provides the educational experiences to prepare our graduates for a career in dental hygiene.
The School of Dental Medicine prepares students to be practicing clinicians or researchers in the field of dentistry.
Personalize this program through rotations such as oncology nutrition, maternal and pediatric nutrition, and more.
Use the power of multimedia content to communicate with and persuade audiences.
Harness narrative, world-building and media studies while using coding, software and human-computer interfaces.
Graduate certificate supporting the acquisition of a proactive engagement with digital methods in the humanities and allied social sciences.
This program focuses on people with disabilities and their experiences rather than representing disability as a problem to be solved.
This program focuses on the education of young children in public and private schools and centers, homes, and more.
Students go on to Asia-related careers in government, business, politics, law and pre-collegiate teaching, as well as doctoral programs.
Students examine fundamental questions of how species live and interact in nature and the evolutionary origins of species.
Studying economics fosters a logical and ordered way of thinking, as well as highly marketable concrete skills.
This program offers practical, real-world experiences to improve student learning and achievement based on cutting-edge research.
Pursue a course of studies that provides training and produces new knowledge in education policy.
This program is rooted in core electric power engineering principles and focuses on the expansion of electric power grid infrastructure.
This program prepares for careers in electrical engineering through employment in industry, government or private practices, and more.
Train to become a paramedic after your junior year or prepare for graduate programs like physician assistant studies or medical school.
The 15-credit certificate aims to prepare students to take on the challenge to advance and innovate engineering applications using the systematic
This certificate formalizes student participation in engineering projects that have a social or environmental impact as a core thrust.
This program aims to develop the student's ability to think analytically across disciplines and tackle future technical challenges.
Encourages students to identify opportunities to enhance engineering analysis and design through simulation.
The Department of English provides a rich environment for teaching, research, creative work, and service.
Offers a wide range of opportunities for undergraduates and graduate students interested in teaching reading and writing.
Commit to imaginative and theoretical engagement with Anglophone literatures in their historical, formal and generic forms.
Prepare for a career in teaching or writing, or obtain skills and knowledge that are useful in numerous business and professional settings.
Highlights theoretical underpinnings of environmental health sciences and toxicology with laboratory-based research.
This program aims to produce highly qualified environmental engineers and achieve scholarly excellence through research.
This program provides concentrated graduate education in this well-defined area of environmental health.
This program is popular with people who love nature and want to explore environmental issues.
Graduates have gone on to careers in government, industry, advocacy, enforcement, education, law, and international policy.
This program provides concentrated training in epidemiological concepts, skills, and methodology with a research focus.
Gain an appreciation of how identities and cultures were established, and how history has shaped current issues.
Links Pitt and the community in practical applied evaluation initiatives at the community level.
Learn about exercise and physical activity to promote health and wellness, prevent and treat health-related conditions, and more.
This program focuses on training students to prepare for health-fitness and clinical careers related to exercise science.
This program offers rigorous courses concerning the history, aesthetics, theory, and production of cinema.
This program provides students with an understanding of the financial principles and the practical implementation of these principles.
Provides students with an understanding of financial principles and the practical implementation of those principles.
This program includes classes in elementary, intermediate and advanced language, conversation, composition, business French, and phonetics.
Offers foundations for the interdisciplinary study of gender and sexuality and supports students' work in other disciplines.
Provides cutting-edge training in the complex science of genetics while fostering a foundation in counseling.
This program prepares students for myriad career possibilities that focus on analyzing the human genome.
Provides students with the knowledge and skills needed for immediate success in GIS-related jobs.
Geology is a rigorous science blending physics, chemistry, and math with going into the field to see how nature actually works.
Learn at a department internationally recognized for excellence in research and education.
Focuses primarily on coursework in German while also addressing communicative and cultural competence.
The Certificate in German Studies offers students a significant level of language and cultural competence.
This program aims to provide students with the specialized skills relevant to practice with older adults and their family members
Become equipped with the tools and skills necessary to address our world’s most compelling issues.
This program enables students to develop expertise in the management of people, processes, and policies in a global context.
Global Studies interrogates the waning importance of regional borders and disciplinary boundaries in the world today.
This certificate is designed to provide students with tools to engage with complex challenges of global sustainable development.
This program will prepare students for leadership positions in development, implementation, evaluation, or policy of health initiatives.
For students with academic training and experience desiring to advance to a management-level position.
A fully online, accelerated 10-month graduate certificate program for working professionals in the healthcare setting.
Further your degree and skills with this 12 credit certificate in Health Data Analytics.
Designed to increase the cultural competency of public health, this program addresses the root causes of health disparities.
Examine the sociocultural context and historical foundations of medicine and healthcare.
Learn the skills to ensure health care providers and patients have access to accurate information.
Further your degree and skills with this 12 credit certificate in Health Information Cybersecurity.
This program is intended to give students interested in health law a basic grounding in the field.
This program prepares graduates for positions in health services research and policy.
These two programs analyze the structure of the health care industry, provide students with communication and management skills, and more.
The certificate prepares students for employment in roles such as medical director, quality officer, and department chief.
This certificate aims to provide students with the competencies required for problem solving in the healthcare industry.
Receive training in basic and translational research, and gain standardized skills that are fundamental to hearing and vision research.
Acquire the professional competencies, experiential learning, and personal development to serve students in higher education.
This program offers a top-rated PhD program in Hispanic Languages & Literature.
Learn to use methods, techniques and ideas from a wide range of humanistic and social scientific fields to examine history.
A great choice for students wishing to combine coursework in the sciences with work in humanistically inclined disciplines.
Explores why and how humans have created images, objects and environments across the globe and throughout time.
For students who plan to deliver social work services in elementary or secondary schools.
This program provides an enhanced academic experience, including opportunities for interdisciplinary study.
This program prepares students for careers as contributing members of genetics and genomics research teams in academia or industry.
Our advanced, accelerated program will support you as you take on more advanced human resource roles.
Involves effective management, development, and deployment of people, with a focus on analytics and diversification.
Learn and engage with issues of diversity, equality, inclusion, and social change within the bedrock of the long-standing global human rights
Work for the dignity of populations who are vulnerable to violence and deprivation.
Offered in collaboration with the Network of Social Work Management under a university partnership initiative.
This program aims to provide the student with a capability for systems analysis and design, and the demands of today's social systems.
This program addresses the social-emotional and mental health needs of young children and their families.
Programs encourage cross-disciplinary research through cutting-edge methods and behavioral and community education.
This program is designed to expand students professional skills and qualifications in the field of cybersecurity.
This program builds a strong foundation in the science of how data, human-centered systems and networks work together to solve problems.
This program prepares students for independently engaging in advanced work in high-quality research and teaching.
This certificate provides students a foundation in database management, user-centered design, security, and other IT topics.
Explore the interface between innovation and entrepreneurship.
Learn principles of design, creativity and entrepreneurship through hands-on experiences.
Explore, examine, and discuss historical, contemporary, and emerging instructional design theories and models.
This program provides students knowledge and skills necessary to work with individuals, families, groups, and communities in health care.
ISB is an ideal choice for students who want to understand biology and disease at the systems level.
This program is designed to allow students to obtain a focused introduction to these bodies of law and practice.
This program is a multidisciplinary graduate program at the University of Pittsburgh dedicated to applied artificial intelligence (AI).
This interdisciplinary degree requires course work, three years of language study, and rigorous independent research.
Build a foundation for careers and further study in the application of legal regimes to transnational and international relationships.
The CPIB will contribute to preparation for a career in international business. It is designed as an enrichment of the BSBA program.
Prepares students advance or begin their careers in international commercial law.
Combine in-depth theoretical knowledge with practical applications to promote development across the world.
Provides linguistic-cultural preparation for careers requiring intercultural competency, communication skills, and cultural analysis.
A major in Italian Studies promotes the cross-discipline exploration of a variety of areas relating to Italian and Italian American culture.
Progress from beginning to advanced level in the Japanese language.
The Jewish Studies Certificate is open to all students interested in the history and culture of the Jewish people.
Learn about Korean culture and history and receive comprehensive training in the Korean language.
This program is for students who aim to conduct research on the interconnection of culture, language, and literacy in educational settings.
Train as future leaders, public officials and analysts meeting the needs of Latin America and Caribbean countries.
Gain first-hand experience by studying in Latin America.
This program offers a solid foundation in legal education and a multitude of specializations applied to contemporary issues.
Learn about the workings of the criminal justice system in the broader context of society and the legal system.
Grow as a leader and advance your career with an interdisciplinary certificate in leadership.
The CPLE program will provide meaningful and experience-based exposure to ethics and leadership in different organizational settings.
Further your degree and skills with this 12 credit certificate in Leadership in Health Informatics.
Micro-credentials offer immediate value to current employers and demonstrate mastery of finance skills to potential future employers.
This program offers students an opportunity to learn from and work with leading faculty and researchers in the field of LGBT health.
Working professionals: Earn your first or second undergraduate degree and advance your career at your own pace.
This program provides the theories, knowledge, skills and ethical foundations of the information professions.
Learn about the unconscious knowledge that humans have about language, the structure of language in general, how languages vary and more.
This program combines the foundations of business with practical training and industry connections.
This program helps to launch a professional career in business analytics for students with little to no work experience.
Gain familiarity with the structure of the consulting industry while building a toolkit of essential consulting skills.
This program equips students with both the technical and business skills needed to manage an organization's IT resources.
Gain knowledge to control and manage resources effectively by gaining skills in Project, Process & Quality, or Supply Chain Management.
Provides students with marketable management skills to advance their health care careers.
The program focuses on both marketing strategy (determining which markets and customers to serve) and implementation (how to serve them).
This program places students forefront of marketing science through a combination of coursework and experience-based learning opportunities.
Explore marketing science through a combination of coursework and experience-based learning.
Integrate knowledge of materials processing and synthesis to improve the performance of engineered products.
Students learn quantitative methods to apply in biotechnology, medical and other fields.
Studying mathematics provides a strong foundation for advanced study in science, engineering and finance.
Prepare for a career in industry or to enter graduate school in applied mathematics, statistics, economics, business, or a related field.
This program prepares students to be faculty members in research-focused colleges or universities, non-academic institutions, or elsewhere.
This program provides students with expert knowledge of the design and manufacture of mechanical systems and thermal devices/processes.
Provides students with a rigorous education in theories of mass media process, history and ethics.
Clinical faculty and community preceptors can enhance their professional education and teaching skills.
This certificate provides the skills to succeed in multidisciplinary teams developing new and innovative medical products.
Prepare to participate in cutting-edge biomedical research, innovative educational programs and leadership in academic medicine.
Improve your skills as a future physician in the areas of leadership, financing, entrepreneurship, and more.
Undertake interdisciplinary work to view clearly not only a distant society, but also our own.
Study the region defined by its connection to the Mediterranean Sea and earn a graduate certificate.
Prepares MSW graduates for professional practice with individuals, families and/or groups with mental/behavioral health challenges.
Students study the physiology, genomics, and genetic engineering of microscopic organisms, such as bacteria and viruses.
The program aims to create access to the breadth of expertise, approaches, and sub-disciplines of Microbiology and Immunology.
Students study the molecules that make up an organism, the forces operating among these molecules, and how they are controlled.
An exciting interdisciplinary research field at the intersection of physics, chemistry, biology and medicine.
For highly motivated and qualified students preparing for careers in biomedical research.
Offers an outstanding research environment, ranking 9th nationally in NIH funding of pharmacology departments.
Health professionals will blend clinical or other professional training with population-based approaches.
Museum Studies examines the institutional collection, preservation, and exhibition of art, objects, documents and specimens in society.
Explores music’s meaning in the structure of individual works, the relations between them and their place in the cultures that produce them.
This certificate is designed to be combined with coursework in engineering, chemistry and physics.
Prepares students to respond to emergency situations, from weather-related and natural disasters to terrorism.
The natural sciences major is an interdisciplinary program with a flexible curriculum that meets students' academic and career goals.
The Neuroscience department is committed to excellence in teaching, training and research.
Advance your career and build on your nonprofit management and fundraising skills with this certificate program.
This program provides nuclear engineering education with study areas in operations and safety, science, and nuclear systems and policy.
Prepare to conduct evidence-based practice, engage in scholarly activities and translate knowledge to improve the delivery of healthcare.
Learn how food and nutrients affect the human body and how to apply knowledge in nutrition science to improve the health of people.
Prepare to become an occupational therapist or seek advanced knowledge and skills at a graduate level.
This unique program will rapidly immerse students into a research environment that will train them to become independent and creative scientists
This program offers basic, translational and clinical studies in oral biology, as well as biomedical research and health.
This program prepares highly specialized teachers to serve the educational needs of children and adults who are blind or visually impaired.
Engage with curriculum intended for experienced informal learning and out-of-school learning professionals who seek advanced training for
This certificate provides the student with an excellent background in sciences related to normal and pathological motion.
Trains leaders and decision makers to improve community health through basic, clinical and translational research.
Gain the tools and knowledge necessary to analyze trends from large data sets and then interpret these trends in a way that allows them to improve
Learn and practice in a variety of environments on the continuum of keeping healthy communities healthy to caring for the sick.
Builds skills and expertise for pharmacy professionals seeking to increase their business acumen and marketability.
Prepare for such professions as law, medicine, business, and teaching at one of the best philosophy departments in the country.
This certificate prepares students for graduate studies in physics, chemistry or electrical engineering with optoelectronics emphasis.
This certificate is designed to meet the nation's workforce development needs for materials engineering expertise in physical metallurgy.
Improve your clinical knowledge and advance your skills as a practicing physical therapist.
This program meshes traditional didactic lectures with out-of-the- classroom learning and case-based activities.
The study of physics leads to a unique and effective approach to problem-solving which is valuable in industry and academia.
For students interested in astronomy or related aspects of space science.
Prepare to undertake the central challenge of quantum computing by combing aspects of computer science with physics concepts.
This program helps students understand major political and social issues in the United States and the world, and how to address them.
This program provides students with training in the conceptual, empirical, and normative foundations of various fields of public policy.
Learn how to evaluate, cast and custom-fit artificial limbs and braces for people whose lives have been impacted by a range of conditions.
Provides a background in psychological and social issues related to disability and rehabilitation.
This program provides the skills needed to succeed in a job or graduate school and to think critically and effectively about human behavior.
Focus on interdisciplinary research and applied analysis of public policy issues.
Both the major and certificate focus on writing that serves professional goals and/or the public interest.
Meet challenges that span business, government, and nonprofit organizations.
Certificate designed for science and technology-oriented students who understand the value of communication.
Prepares students as public health leaders in a multitude of fields, such as government, medicine, research and health education.
This program integrates genetics and the public health science disciplines with ethics, social sciences, public affairs, economics and law.
This program will prepare students for employment in government, non-profit organizations, or the private sector.
Advance or begin a career in public service.
This program prepares students for a range of careers that are focused on the resolution of public problems and delivery of public services.
This program trains professionals to become experts who can inform economics & business decisions with state-of-the-art data analysis.
Contribute to the rapidly growing field of quantum computing and quantum information science and technology.
Build knowledge, engage in principled practice in supervised settings and prepare for leadership roles.
This program provides you with advanced and specialized knowledge in literacy education.
Delve into the science of the human body, issues affecting people with disabilities, and rehabilitation and health professions.
Expand opportunities for people with disabilities by providing technology and service to promote independence and improve quality of life.
Learn how religion has been shaped by historical traditions as well as by the arts, literature, political thinking, and social behavior.
This program for students who wish to explore the field of research methodology at an advanced level of study.
This 12-credit program can be completed in two terms, online or on-campus.
Prepare for careers in business, government, education, law, medicine, social work, and other professions.
Develop a broad understanding of the processes shaping states and societies in Eastern Europe, Russia and Eurasia.
This certificate provides training for engineers in the application and implementation of safety concepts, principles and practices.
This program is intended for teachers and educators who desire the skills and credentials needed to advance their practice-oriented careers.
Increase innovation and learn new ways to view the world and solve problems.
This PhD program prepares students to be competitive on the national job market for academic, alt-ac and industry careers.
Prepare for careers in business, government, teaching, law, medicine, and social work, as well as the CIA, FBI and other institutions.
Pitt Social Work is one of the country's top-ranked schools, preparing undergraduate and graduate students to address social problems.
Learn to sociologically imagine why and how people develop identities, belong to groups, form social organizations, and enact social change.
The program provides oral and written Spanish language skills and courses that introduce students to the study of Latin American cultures.
This program prepares leadership personnel to serve in public or private pre-K–12 schools or educational environments and services.
Integrates academic and clinical experiences to prepare graduates for careers as speech-language pathologists.
Couple coursework and real-world experiences rooted in the business side of the sports industry.
Harness the power of data and technology to improve the performance of athletes at all levels.
Students learn how sport shapes economies, politics, world history, health, science and social life.
This program trains the next generation of advanced researchers, educators, and/or consultants in statistics and data science.
The program provides students the ability to explore the visual arts through both traditional and digital methods.
This joint certificate trains CBA and SSOE students in the active management of supply chain activities.
This program provides theoretical knowledge of SCM and the ability to apply this knowledge to real-world problems and opportunities.
Develop competencies needed by science, engineering, and humanities graduates to contribute to practices in the U.S.
This program uses systems approaches in the context of the triple bottom line of environmental, societal and economic problems.
Prepare for instructional certification with a curriculum fully aligned with Pennsylvania Department of Education certification areas.
Prepares highly specialized teachers to serve the needs of blind or visually impaired students.
For students who wish to teach English as a Second Language to adults both in the U.S. and internationally.
Learn the knowledge, skills, and abilities in the fundamentals of technology and information systems management
This program explores how information flows through networks to support human needs.
Explore a critical, theoretical and hands-on path to attain a competency in crucial broadcast disciplines.
Our programs train students in the study of theatre and performance, artistic practice (acting, directing, design), and pedagogy.
Pursue a comparative study of Europe and the United States, as well as countries that touch the Atlantic.
This graduate certificate program focuses on the expansive mobility, connectivity, and communication between Asia and the world.
Train for leadership positions, out-of-school organizations and other areas related to urban learning,
Engage with the theoretical and technical foundations of urban planning and geographical analysis.
This program is for students who have an interest in unraveling the complexities of the urban world.
This program promotes the study of Europe by developing new courses, lectures, symposia, and conferences with international participants.
This program is for individuals wishing to pursue advanced study in the field of teaching and learning foreign languages.
This certificate helps students improve their writing ability, whether for business communications or creative careers.
This certificate helps students improve their writing proficiency--a valuable skill in today's marketplace.