Understand the complexities, struggles, and successes of people of African descent that exist throughout the world.
Study international competencies in relation to themes of race, gender, class, equity, and inclusion throughout the Americas.
This program prepares students for careers in areas of law, business and government administration, technical writing and science education.
Students often pursue careers in education, information science, childcare and social work, as well as a range of advanced degrees.
Develop your communication skills, improve your writing and gain an understanding of how mass media affects society.
Learn to examine the world, communicate and persuade others.
Explore equitable design, digital literacies and agency, and critical thinking in applications of technology and digital media for learning.
Use the power of multimedia content to communicate with and persuade audiences.
Harness narrative, world-building and media studies while using coding, software and human-computer interfaces.
Graduate certificate supporting the acquisition of a proactive engagement with digital methods in the humanities and allied social sciences.
The Department of English provides a rich environment for teaching, research, creative work, and service.
Commit to imaginative and theoretical engagement with Anglophone literatures in their historical, formal and generic forms.
Prepare for a career in teaching or writing, or obtain skills and knowledge that are useful in numerous business and professional settings.
This program offers rigorous courses concerning the history, aesthetics, theory, and production of cinema.
This program offers a top-rated PhD program in Hispanic Languages & Literature.
Learn to use methods, techniques and ideas from a wide range of humanistic and social scientific fields to examine history.
This program provides an enhanced academic experience, including opportunities for interdisciplinary study.
Explore, examine, and discuss historical, contemporary, and emerging instructional design theories and models.
Learn about the workings of the criminal justice system in the broader context of society and the legal system.
Working professionals: Earn your first or second undergraduate degree and advance your career at your own pace.
The program focuses on both marketing strategy (determining which markets and customers to serve) and implementation (how to serve them).
Provides students with a rigorous education in theories of mass media process, history and ethics.
Prepare for such professions as law, medicine, business, and teaching at one of the best philosophy departments in the country.
Both the major and certificate focus on writing that serves professional goals and/or the public interest.
Certificate designed for science and technology-oriented students who understand the value of communication.
Build knowledge, engage in principled practice in supervised settings and prepare for leadership roles.
This program provides you with advanced and specialized knowledge in literacy education.
Learn how religion has been shaped by historical traditions as well as by the arts, literature, political thinking, and social behavior.
Prepare for careers in business, government, teaching, law, medicine, and social work, as well as the CIA, FBI and other institutions.
Students learn how sport shapes economies, politics, world history, health, science and social life.
Our programs train students in the study of theatre and performance, artistic practice (acting, directing, design), and pedagogy.
This certificate helps students improve their writing ability, whether for business communications or creative careers.
This certificate helps students improve their writing proficiency--a valuable skill in today's marketplace.