Words & Stories

It’s difficult to cite a career path where skillful writing and storytelling are not just useful, but vital. Whether it’s journalists, cinematographers and marketers reaching out to their audiences…or teachers inspiring students…or attorneys making their cases to judges and juries…or leaders at corporations and nonprofits rallying their staffs…or...well, you get the story.

Explore Word & Story Programs


Student Experience

My time at Pitt has helped me to incorporate my love of filmmaking into the other things I love: culture, global studies, and African studies. I was able to take my love of film and connect it to those things and tailor my learning experience to my needs and wants.

Khadija-Awa Diop (Film Studies and African Studies)

Read about Khadija-Awa Diop's experiences as a film and African studies double major and documentary film maker.

Career Choices

Recent graduates in words and stories have gone on to exciting careers, with such titles as: